Friday, November 18, 2011

30 feels good

I turned 30 yesterday and I haven't felt this good since I was 21. I didn't do anything crazy. No party, no liquor, didn't even dress up. Just spent the day with my baby and it felt so good. I guess you can say we enjoyed my gift and watched football and movies. But that was good enough.

What I've learned most about life--its truly the small moments that count. Nothing is worth frowning and a smile and a laugh can make my day. I've been blessed enough to have all my needs and even some wants.

That's all. Just want to share happiness:-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In the past 3 years I've attempted to "find myself". What does that mean. Honestly, I can't be lost if I look at myself everyday in the mirror. But I was. I saw a reflection, but I didn't know the spiritual being that resided within this vessel. I spent the last few years learning that there is more to me, others and life than what I wanted to accept.

I fell in love with the earths most abundant and soothing element, water. I swam like a fish this I couldn't get enough. There was a real sense of freedom. Floating and staring at the sky, allowing the sun to penetrate my skin, so warm so soothing.

I learned to accept people for who they are. You can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved. That process of change has to start within. My world,is my world. Be conscious and cautious of who I share it with. No one's opinion should take precedence over what I feel. In the end I have to play this role. Their just spectators.

I fell in love with me. I loved myself but I was never in love with myself. My body is my temple. My eyes are the gateway to my soul. And my soul depends on my heart to survive. I no longer yearn for better. Because that will be a constant uphill battle. I won't have a chance to ever appreciate where I am. I instead strive to make the best of what I have. I ensure my decisions are all aligned with where I want to be. I love hard because it the best feeling on earth. I treasure TRUE friends because they can be the second best thing to family. I adore my immediate family because they are the roots to my tree. My parents are the reason I am who I am today. They gave me every tool I needed to succeed. Unconditional Love, Structure, Discipline, and Freedom to learn from my mistakes. Because of them I'm learning what it is to share and receive love. I'm growing with someone that I've admired for 10 years and had the past few months to get a chance to love again. This time is different, its new, it 100x better. His patience is uncanny and his love seems endless. I used to wonder how it would feel to be with you and now I can't imagine life without you. Your my best friend, my superman, my booh booh:-)

I guess you can say I'm enjoying my journey of blissfulness.