Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Waking up

I am a 26 years old female that is currently working on her Masters and wants to find someone to grow with. For as long as I can remember my relationships with men have always been fairly long term. I am an individual who does not takes pride in having casual relationships with men. What I have come to realize after my last relationship is that staying in my comfort zone is apart of my problem. So I needed a solution and the first thing that came to my mind was dating.

With dating I am not committed to anyone. I am free to see whoever I want and get to know them before placing energy entirely on them. I am free to say no if I don't want to see you again and explain why. The key is making the males know in advance what is I am currently doing. So now I am super excited. The best part is I get to understand better what it is I like and don't like.

Each post will represent a date that I have gone on. I haven't really set any limitations for myself regarding the amount of dates that I will be achieving within any specific amount of time or how many people I can date at once. There are no limitations here and that is what is so cool. Keep in mind I still work full-time and go to school (so I will have to work around my regular schedule, but that's life)

Let the journey begin.........Heyyyyyyyy

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