Thursday, August 12, 2010

I have nothing to FEAR

Today I feel like I'm on a natural high. Came into work to drama and cursing. It appears someone was sitting in one of my boss's office, which didn't allow him to conduct a conference call. Then to make matter's worse he has a bridge that keeps dropping the call. Gladly his anger wasn't directed to me, but I could imagine how poor little missy felt when BK went off on her. Doesn't help that I didn't stroll in until about 9:15. What can I say it's summer it's hot, I'm a bit lazy. I can't just imagine how ditsy she was acting. Funny enough when he comes out of his conference cal, he is ok with me.

Then I somehow get a deposit into my account don't know where it's from nor do I care at this point. Just happy that I have some extra money:-)

After all this excitement one thing keeps resonating in my head. Iahve all the cards I need right now to win and it's a matter of how I play them. I feel I have a whole deck on my side. All my desires are here, its just a matter of the choices I make. If you want to get to a diamond you have to begin my chipping away at a rock. You can look at it all day but won't get it's beauty until you reach the center. That's how I am feeling about life. It's not enough to think about what I want. Its time to go after it with a vengeance. Like tomorrow is it for me and I have to fulfill it all today.

I'm starting by committing to appointment. I'm going to go through my expenses and take care of all I have to asap. By end of year I should be back on track with everything and looking forward to working on a house. I just feel fully equipped. But without the right focus I'll be like batman without No one..and

I'm ready to take the world over by storm today. But it will begin with me sticking to my commitments no matter what. No more last minute changes due to attitude or anything of the sort. I'm just ready to be happy, everyday:-)

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